Wednesday, December 31, 2008

White Is Right

Just came from visiting Voodoo Medicine Man's blog, where he posted some interesting commentary about the bastardization of language:

I agree on many points. It's disgusting how the English language is abused. It seems that folks are using english as a template for new, unfamiliar languages. I cringe when I hear our youth speak; half the time I don't know what they're saying, and what's worse, I get the evil eye for NOT understanding!

It's ironic that we look at minority leaders as those who have "risen above the fray." After all, weren't they born here? Aren't they American citizens by BIRTH, and isn't English the national language? Then, they are EXPECTED to be "masters" of it. This kind of talk infers that we don't expect minorities to speak properly. Sad but true. Furthermore, the conjugation of verbs in a language other than English should not be scrutinized. I'm sure the creators of the Spanish language didn't sit down and say, "Well, let's be sure to choose another word for "take" besides "tomar", because we want to be sure English speakers can understand us when they are translating." The language, obviously, wasn't made for us. It was made for the Spanish speaker. (By the way, the verb for "to drink" is "beber")The English language is riddled with all kinds of idiotic rules that make absolutely no sense. There are three ways to spell the word "there", and depending on the CONTEXT, we all know which one is being used. Tell me, what is the difference between the two?

The bottom line is we have a huge problem with what we are not accustomed to. The majority sets the rules, and everyone is expected to abide by them. Anyone not doing/speaking/dressing/thinking/living/believing/worshipping like the majority is labeled outcast/sinner/misfit/freak/uneducated/poor/WRONG! Poor language skills isn't something that evolved in minority communities. People have been speaking terrible English since the dawn of time, and this behavior affects all people and all socioeconomic brackets. I am surrounded by people of all races and colors, and most of them speak horribly. Race,color and status have nothing to do with it.

Again, I agree with many of the points made in the commentary. However, parts of it are the same old "stereotype" talk that we hear from so many of our friends and family members. It would behoove all of us to take as much time as we have studying, analyzing and critiqueing minority groups, and go analyze and critique the ones who think their standard of living is the right one.

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