Sunday, December 28, 2008

Bring It On!

They say changing jobs can be one of the most stressful times in ones life. Not so here! I say bring it on!

I've been giddy all day, just like a popular high school kid returning to school, who hasn't seen her friends all summer. I have my lunch packed, my scrubs ironed, notepad to write important notes, and an assortment of writing pens. What can I say...I like being prepared! I haven't been this excited in a long time. I sure hope I'm not setting myself up for disappointment. Besides, tomorrow is the start of orientation.

Orientation to a healthcare setting, or any new job for that matter, has to be the most boring process ever. You are subjected to an insane amount of paperwork, exchanging of pleasantries and names (I don't know why I attempt to remember names), and watching one boring video after another. Talk about tortue! Half of your job during orientation is staying awake.

No, I'm not terribly excited about orientation, per se. I'm just thrilled to be in the hospital; to be submerged in a sea of doctors and nurses who are willing to impart just a bit of their expertise. I'm telling you, just being in an environment where people actually laugh and smile at one another would be like night and day compared to the hellhole. Being able to learn some pathophysiology, see some cool procedures, and actually participate in codes would be icing on the cake.

The cop is preparing for work. I guess I better see him off. I'll be sure to write about my first day at the new job!

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