Monday, December 8, 2008

Interview Tomorrow!

Yes! Fnally, I have secured an interview for a hospital-based PCT position in my hometown!

This has been a long time coming. I know, it's not a job offer, but at least I feel like I'm making some progress. Now, all I have to do is sell myself. I really, really want this job. It's time to leave the hell hole.

I think the main reason why I detest my currrent position is because no one wants to teach. Why would they? They have their degrees and certifications. But...a huge part of healthcare is teaching; see one, do one, teach one. No one at my job wants to show you where the bathroom is, let alone allow you to draw blood, or show you how to place a foley. It's terribly frustrating for someone like me who loves to learn, and needs these skills in order to put myself ahead of the game once PA school starts. Also, CNA's are expected to be supermen. We take a patient load of 12+, but are yelled at if things aren't absolutely perfect. Somethings gotta give with numbers like that. I work on the floor with the highest acuity. My assignment consists of patients with severe dementia, cancer, heart failure, renal failure, and MS, with tubes all over the place. This add a challenge to the job that I do enjoy, but it's hard to tend to the needs of 12+ patients who are so, so sick.

The new job sounds great: nice sized facility, pay increase, tuition reimbursement, 11p-7a, and on an ICU floor! Can't beat it. I'm so glad that I took the phlebotomy course last month, and finished learning how to read EKG's. I'm hoping these new skills will help me land the job. I'll keep you posted!

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