Monday, October 13, 2008

Typical Monday

So, I arrived home, and was instantly greeted with the smell of New York Strip steak and polenta. Yum! The cop cooked...thank God. If it were left up to me, we would have starved tonight.

Today was a good day at work. No call outs, all hands on deck, and Jack wasn't there to shout orders at us. Jack is the nurse who thinks he's a doctor. I can't stand it when people have God complexes. What makes them think that the rest of the world is dumb as a box of rocks? I love the patients that I work with. They are a joy! However, I don't feel challenged at all at my job. I guess I'm not supposed to feel that way. It's about getting the work done as fast as you possibly can. Very little mental stimulation, and no critical thinking required. It's driving me crazy!

I've been trying to decide whether or not to tell my coworkers about my acceptance to PA school. I remember reading a thread somewhere about a nurse who had been accepted to medical school. When she shared the news with her colleagues, she got various responses. Some were sincerely happy for her, while others were jealous. As bad as I want to shout from the rooftops that I am going to PA school in one year, I know I will not get the support I am looking for from my colleagues. I could easily see the "jealousy" thing happening to me, and that would make working conditions much worse.

Now that I know I'm going to be attending PA school, shadowing has taken on a much more important role in my life. I've been shadowing consistently since the beginning of the year. My favorite PA to shadow is Holly. She works with a Liver Transplant team. I have never seen such a cohesive group of medical professionals in my life. The PA's are treated as PA's...not medical assistants or scut workers. They practice medicine! I've made an appointment to shadow with Holly this Friday! I'm so excited. This is just the thing I need to get closer to feeling like a true professional...closer to feeling like a PA! I'll be sure to write about it.

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