Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Cop

I celebrated my one year wedding anniversary in September. We really didn't do much, because I was too busy preparing to travel 10 hours north to my PA school interview. So I packed, and he watched television...and that was how we celebrated! My husband is the perfect guy for me. He has been a source of support from day one. He is smart, insanely funny, silly, strong (and in great shape, might I add), and yes...he's a cop!

He's been a cop for two years now. Absolutely loves the job, but the stress of dealing with everyone else's problems every day takes its toll sometimes. Frankly, I just don't see how he does it, although when you think of it, being a cop is similar to being a PA in many ways. He is one of the hardest workers I know. I admire his work ethic, his commitment, and his dedication. He will be a great father when the time comes. He's already a great husband! So, when I mention "the cop" in future posts, you guys will know exactly who I'm talking about!

He was so proud to hear that I got accepted to PA school. He was the first person I called from the parking lot at my job! I was pacing back and forth, up and down...I'm sure my coworkers thought I was crazy. I know he is proud of me, but I don't think he realizes just how stressful a time it will be for the both of us.

We have already decided that when I go to school, he will stay behind. As much as I would like him by my side, I want him to stay here. There are no words that can describe just how supportive this man has been. Applying to PA school is EXPENSIVE and TIME CONSUMING. All the courses I've taken, the studying, the two hour communte to and from school, GAS prices, the CNA certification course, the final exams, the application fees, the interview preparation...he's endured all of this with me, and has been supportive all along! Staying behind will give him the opportunity to focus on his dreams and his goals. He deserves it. Besides, we will get to see each other every now and then. I don't know if every married couple could do it like this, but we will be just fine!

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