Monday, June 14, 2010

Approach PA school with positivity

Hey gang!

Not much time to blog today (I'm taking it easy this evening, and I want to make it last!), but I just stopped by to say that PA school can be tough. Lots of reading, lots of assignments, and lots to learn. PA school can be stressful. PA school can wear you down. But here's the good's all relative.

Isn't everything in life. Throw two people into a bad situation...I mean a situation that is so bad, so challenging, it makes your head spin. One person could view the glass and half full, while the other sees it as half empty. The point is, both parties have a choice! How would you choose to see the situation?

The same goes for PA school. Yep, there will be days when a professor switches test days and screws up your plans to go out on that hot date. Yep, there will be days that that student continues to ask the most irrelevant questions. Yep, there will be days when everything that everyone does just gets on your nerves. There will be times when you wonder why you continue to come to class. Attitude is EVERYTHING! For me, this is becoming more evident and school progresses. A positive attitude can make the worst of times the absolute best of times. A positive attitude is contagious. A positive attitude demands attention. A positive attitude is a winning attitude!

Sure, I have my moments when I grow tired of the mundane, day in, day out PA school routine. But two thoughts run through my mind: there are lots of students that would give ANYTHING to be sitting where I am, and...I signed up for this, not because I was forced to, but because this is what I love doing! I suck it up, put on a happy face, and keep plugging along. I love being here. I love doing what I am doing. I am blessed to be here. I want to see only the good in all things. I trust this attitude will serve me very well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this encouragement. I know it is tough, but I'm looking for to the challenge. I've sent and submitted my CASPA application and sent my supplemental applications today. So now, it's a waiting game- again.
I'm excited, though, and your blog is very encouraging. Maybe I'll have time to write my own one day.
Thanks and stay encouraged.