Monday, June 7, 2010

O Happy Day!

Today I feel good. No, I feel GREAT! Why???

No particular reason. Doesn't it feel good to feel good, for no real, tangible reason? That's the best feeling in the world. Truth be told, I can look around and find lots of things to be happy about. Let's name a few:

I had a virus on my computer last night, and this morning I figured out a way to get rid of it.

I'm having a good hair day.

Today is "Dress Up Monday" and I am dressed well.

I had a few minutes to listen to Hab mir's gelobt this morning and it brought a smile to my face.

I spoke with my husband and my mother this afternoon.

I'm having a good hair day.

I'm all caught up with my notecards for Patho and Clin Med.

I self installed an Air Conditioning Unit in my bedroom. No more night sweats!

My car is in great working order, and looks great! (I need to wash it, badly.)

I just had a great bowl of oatmeal, and a sweet navel orange.

I could keep going....but you get the point.

There is much to appreciate, so many free gifts in this world. Never will I let another day go by without taking some time to focus on the many things that are going right in my life.

We just concluded a 4 hour class. Only one more to go. Then I have the rest of the afternoon and evening to myself. Yipee!!

1 comment:

Mina said...

Hi I came across this blog a few days ago on and I'm reading a lot of your posts, especially those from 2008.
I love your blog sooo much it's so much helpful information in here because I want to become a physician assistant as well.
I'm just worried about my grades. I was thinking about doing Seton Hill's Transfer BS/MS because I'm scared I won't be competitive enough if I graduate with my Bachelor's and apply to Master's programs. (I noticed you attend Seton Hill)

Do you have any advice for me? I know you're pretty busy with school & everything, but if you could just email me @ it would be a VERY big help.