Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Summer Break: Done...

...but that doesn't mean my brain isn't still on break.

Hey folks! Words cannot express just how PHENOMENAL my break was. I feel so rejuvenated, rested, calm, and ready to embark on the next step in the PA school process. I got chance to see lots of family members, salsa friends, and I spent lots and lots of time with the detective and Linc. It was exactly what I needed. About half way through the break I felt my brain turning to mush, but I forced myself not to read any textbooks or medical-related literature. Difficult, but doable.

I'm eager to return to school and get back into the books. I've spent most of the day restocking the kitchen, cleaning, throwing old papers out, and reorganizing my binder to make room for the new stuff. I'll be in class tomorrow morning at! And the countdown begins again; only two months until we get another HUGE break.

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