Thursday, January 21, 2010

Study Methods

As we draw closer and closer to the beginning of the didactic portion of my program, I find myself going back and forth between strategies I've come up with to tackle the massive amounts of learning material that's headed my way. I'm not quite sure how to format my studies and organize my binders. I'm not even sure if I should get binders for each class.

I've never really been an in-class notetaker. I've always thought that class time should be spent listening and absorbing as much information as possible. I usually reserve notetaking for private study sessions at home, and in turn, my notetaking becomes a form of study. I don't know how that strategy will work here, but I'm willing to give it a try. I only know that time is of the essence, and I can't waste it sifting through multiple study strategies. I need to do what works NOW!

Today was a busy day, but it was enjoyable. We got a bit of insight on the classes we will be taking this semester. It seems like gross anatomy will be the toughest of all. I was happy to hear that we are taking the same anatomy class (with the same instructors) that the medical students up the road take. I want to be challenged, and I know this class will push me to my limits. Perhaps this class will push me past my limits! Even better.

The most resounding piece of advice our academic coordinator has given us so far is to never fall behind. I think the best way to avoid this is to visit and revist the material as often as possible. If I can read and review the material daily then I should be able to retain it easily.

We conclude orientation tomorrow and then its time to hit the books. But before Monday, I plan to party like a rockstar one last time!!!

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