Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Circadian Rhythm

It's pretty much shot to hell. One day I'm up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 7am, and the next day I'm dragging myself out of bed at 12 noon. It hasn't been easy transitioning from the night shift schedule to a "normal" day schedule, but it must be done. In two weeks I'll have to be up by 7am every morning in order to be in class on time.

I'm still tying up loose strings here in preparation for relocating. Salsa dancing has been priority, of course, and as I see friends and favorite dance partners, I am bidding them farewell. A lot of them had no clue I was going anywhere. I will miss them all dearly! I'm hoping to come back a better, stronger follow, and I hope to master the on2 style while I'm away. My winter wardrobe is complete, and I'm almost done packing. All that's left to do is drive off into the sunset!

For over a year I've been waiting for this blog to trasition to one of a pre-PA to that of a PA-S. I won't claim PA-S yet until my fanny hits the seat on the 20th, but I'm excited to have the opportunity to give future readers an idea of what PA school is like from my perspective. So, my school has been in contact with us regularly since last October. The orientation packets we received gave us a glimpse of what's in store for the next 2 years. We hit the ground running on the 20th with an orientation that lasts 3 days. On the first day we will meet with our advisors to go over any provisions that exist, and we will meet and greet, have lunch with faculty and students, tour our learning facilities, set up our student email accounts, complete a PACKRAT computer lab assignment, get parking decals, complete an overview of clinical rotations, and purchase books. The second day consists of a diversity exercise and study strategy workshops. And the final day will consist of a didactic year overview, a simple group project, and the PACKRAT entrance exam. We officially begin classes on the 25th.

I hope to write one more entry before moving next Friday, and my goal is to update this blog often once I begin school.

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