Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Not much out of the ordinary happened around here. The cop and I both worked Thanksgiving night, but were rewarded with a three day weekend! I went salsa dancing last night (yes!!!), and we both head back to work tomorrow night. There's still plenty of food around here, but I'm starting to get tired of turkey and dressing. There's only so much I can eat...

The start of PA school is looming. On Friday we travel north to go apartment shopping! I'm hoping to secure something while I'm there. That would be one less thing to worry about. So far, all is going according to plan. O-Chem is going extremely well, and I'm slowly crossing some bare necessities off of the shopping list. Next week, I submit my resignation at work. Only one more month to go and I'm outta here.

I can honestly say this is the best time of my life right now. I'm realizing dreams I've had for years. Everything is falling into place just as I intended. I couldn't be happier!

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