Saturday, January 17, 2009


Yep, thank God it's Friday....or Saturday. I'm still trying to adjust to the whole working nights thing!

I've practically slept the whole day away, but at least I don't have to go to work tonight. Not that I mind at all...I love my job! We had a code towards the end of the shift last night. Poor guy had been combative all day, trying to work himself out of his restraints, and tearing his skin in the process. His wife passed away a few weeks ago, and not too long after, he was brought to the hospital with a temperature of 88 and a pulse of 15!!!

The children, still grieving over the loss of their mother, wanted a full code if something were to go wrong, and that's exactly what he got. He stopped breathing first, then went into V tach...after a few rounds of amiodarone and an ETT, he was stable but unresponsive.

This guy clearly doesn't want to be here. He is grieving over the death of his wife, and has no desire to live without her. I can understand the children's grief, but why make this man suffer any longer? When all the vital signs are leaning towards death, why prolong it? If the tubes were pulled and the warming blanket were removed, he wouldn't be alive! I doubt he will survive the weekend.

Ironically, for both father and child, love IS the most powerful force on earth.

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