Saturday, June 25, 2011

Rotation 2: week 1

Here I am, one week into rotation number two: Ob/Gyn. I'm a little ashamed to say this, but I'm having a blast!

I've always known that I would never go into Ob/Gyn or Pediatrics. Neither one impresses me. However, I am extremely impressed with my preceptor. He is a true physician: smart, compassionate, available, and will say no if it's in the patients' best interest. I love working with him because I'm not only learning medicine, I'm learning the psychology behind the medicine and how important it truly is.

What have I seen this week. Everything! I've done annual visits and Pap and pelvic exams, and I've seen invasive cervical cancer, endometriosis, circumcisions and suction D & C's. I even saw my very first delivery, and was allowed to not only catch the baby (how awesome it is to be the very first person to physically touch/hold new life), but deliver the placenta and suture the mother's episiotomy! I get pimped constantly and I love it. I am realizing every day just how little I know about medicine. I have a long, long road to haul, but I will get there!

Once again, time seems to be flying by. I remember how eager I was to begin rotations. Then I remember how excited I was to go to Alaska. Now I'm in my second rotation with just 4 weeks left to go. I still pinch myself at times...I started out with a dream, and to watch it come to life in this way is fascinating and humbling all at once. I feel so honored to know what I know and to be doing what I am doing.

Week two promises to be jam-packed full of awesome opportunities and surprises. I can't wait!

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