Saturday, August 28, 2010

One Week In...

...and we've hit the ground running...sprinting!

18 credits, 8 classes, early mornings and late nights. I practically live in the library. But I feel like this is the semester when things will start to come together. I'm already beginning to connect the dots between my current classes and classes I took two semesters ago. It's amazing the volume of information you go through month after month, but as I go along, I realize just how important it is to revisit the old handouts, powerpoints, and note cards to keep the information fresh in my mind.

This semester I plan to begin studying specifically for the PANCE. I've begun looking at a few test questions online, but have yet to purchase a review book. With so many choices out there, I'm reluctant to make a quick purchase. Any suggestions??


Ammina said...

I'm not in PA school right now I'm taking an EMT course and I feel you...this course is only 4 months long compared to it usually being 6-8 months so everything is jam packed soo much to remember, but I know it doesn't compare to you. :) I practically live in Borders.

Funny thing is I haven't noticed much PANCE books in Borders, the ones I did notice were paperback & seemed like more of a quick review than study guide, I also noticed a few PANRE books

I could check Barnes & Noble & be back for an update. Good luck with your hardest semester! ;) 8 classes sounds tough

SLP said...

You're right, there aren't many PANCE review books at the bookstores. In fact the majority of books being recommended must be purchased online.

Thanks for checking in!!