Sunday, February 14, 2010

Another week complete

I'm really amazed at how fast time is going by. We are already entering our 4th week, and there hasn't been a dull moment yet.

The week started off with tragedy. I...skipped...class. Not because I wanted to, but because I was forced to. I will spare you, my invisible, perhaps nonexistent audience, all the gory details. Suffice it to say I cried, screamed and cursed my way into alignment with who I really am. It took a few days, but I'm good now!

Due to the inclement weather here in the north, classes were cancelled -to my dismay- on the busiest day during our school week. We missed two three-hour classes, one of which had to be made up early Saturday morning. The good news is the lecture yesterday was wonderful! I love anatomy, always have, but the lecturer was a older, nerd-like PhD with an unwaivering charm and a knack for dispelling the mystery of anatomy. In short, he made our three hour class fun and informative. I don't mind getting up early on the weekends to attend classes like that! And...I have a thing for nerds! Our first anatomy exam is scheduled for this week. I'll be happy to have it behind me.

The daily addition of learning material in PA school is unforgiving; one must stay on top of things constantly to keep from falling behind. There are tough lessons to learn as you go along. Last week I learned something very valuable: no matter how team oriented you may be, at the end of the day you are simply a PA student, alone, with the sole responsibility to keep your head above water, master the material, pass the PANCE, and begin saving lives. No, there is no "I" in team, and rightfully so. If you fail, there is no one to blame but you. If all hell breaks loose, YOU pick up the pieces alone. It's great if someone lends a hand to help you, but don't depend on it, because most people will let you down. The only person you can ALWAYS depend on is you! And really, should it be any other way? Self dependence is self empowerment, and that is never a bad thing. I can think of lots of instances where dependence on others may yield less than desired results.

Ok, enough philosophy for one night. One more round of studying and I'm off to bed. Three more weeks, and I get to see Linc and the cop. I can't wait!

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